Parasim 75 (parabolan - trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate) has no estrogenic activity, is 5x stronger anabolic and androgenic compound than testosterone and it binds well to the androgen receptor. Theres no injectable steroid that binds to the androgen receptor (AR) as well as Parasim (parabolan) does. That is the major reason that Parasim (parabolan) is used as a precontest agent: incredible fat-burning capacity.
Parasim (parabolan) noticeably increase the level of the IGF-1 within muscle tissue over two fold, IFG-1 which itself is an extremely anabolic hormone and also exhibit a noticeable anti-catabolic effect.
Effective dose(men): 150-225mgs/week (0.5-1mg/lb of bodyweight)
Effective dose(women): not recommended to be used
Recommended cycle: 8 to 10 weeks
Verpackung | |
Präsentationsform | 10ml Fläschchen |
Eigenschaften | |
Quantität | 1 Stk. |
Stoffkonzentration | 75mg/ml |
Empfohlene Dosierung | 150-225mg/ Woche |
Empfohlene Verwendung | Größe und Stärke gewinnt, Körpergewebe Gebäude |